about SDGs
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about SDGs

Based on the philosophy of "changing the world with housing technology," we recognize that we should work on improving the social environment, regional revitalization, and working environment that surround us, and we will strive to increase our corporate value.

robot home

Promote DX conversion of real estate management through the IoT platform for rental housing. Utilizing AI / IoT technology, we provide a platform that connects all players of tenants, owners, rental brokerage companies, and rental management companies, and aims to automate real estate management.

PM platform

Contributing to the creation of a comfortable city by promoting operational efficiency utilizing RPA and providing higher quality services. By further expanding the area of the rental management business and establishing a total support system for rental management, we have built a resident-first system to respond to more detailed requests.

Real estate development

Our standard investment apartment "CRASTINE + e" specializing in energy-saving performance is a third-party building energy-saving performance evaluation system "BELS (*)" based on the evaluation criteria set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We have obtained 5 stars, which is the highest rating on a 5-point scale.

* BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System) is an effort to display to real estate companies, etc. under the Act on Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings (Building Energy Conservation Act), which came into effect in April 2016. It is one of the public systems that evaluates and certifies energy-saving performance on a five-point scale for buildings that are required to have.

Promotion of diversity management

The ratio of female employees is 43.3%, the rate of taking childcare leave is 100%, and the rate of paid leave utilization is 79.6% (as of the end of December 2023). Dual-career employees and global human resources are also active, respecting the diversity and creativity of employees, and promoting the creation of workplaces where employees can work with peace of mind by staying close to their personal life plans.