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press release details


“TATERU bnb” App-based IoT Minpaku Management Starts Developing “bnb SCORE” for Visualizing Guests’ Credit Scores! Data Provided by Ls Support

TATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) and its subsidiary TATERU bnb, Inc. (representative director: Takatoshi Ogi; “TATERU bnb”) announce the development of “bnb SCORE” for visualizing guests’ credit scores using data*1 provided by L's SUPPORT Co.,Ltd (head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; representative director: Kiyoshi Fujita; “L's SUPPORT”).

Starting developing “bnb SCORE” for visualizing guests’ credit scores!

L's SUPPORT provides rent liability guarantee service and diverse other services fully utilizing its own infrastructure.
TATERU bnb delivers a broad range of IoT-based Minpaku management services including developing and operating App-based IoT Minpaku management “TATERU bnb” and developing and renting “bnb kit” (SMART LOCK, CHECK-IN PAD, TRIP PHONE).
The group starts developing “bnb SCORE” for visualizing guests’ credit scores. Based on AI, this system automates credit score output through machine learning using big data. It generates a scoring model*2 and output credit scores by building a database through machine learning using qualitative data including guests’ profile information(hobbies, preferences, etc.) and behavioral history from social media and blogs as well as about 40,000 attribute data and activities*3 owned by the company and about 400,000 attribute data and activities owned by L's SUPPORT. At TATERU bnb’s IoT Minpaku Apartments, more than 60%*4 of guests are Japanese. By using this system at unmanned properties, owners will be able to assess the quality of guests and avoid fraudulent use and troubles.
TATERU bnb will continue deploying IoT Minpaku apartments by enriching Minpaku operation service and developing new solutions.
*1 Provided data will be anonymized.
*2 It is generated from big data through machine learning and serves as the foundation for the AI system.
*3 Variable status data such as users’ past jobs and behaviors
*4 Based on data in the last three months

About IoT Minpaku Apartment “TATERU bnb”

IoT Minpaku Apartments “TATERU bnb” designed by TATERU bnb are the new form of Minpaku facilities addressing the FIT* needs. FIT, an increasingly popular travel style, represents the tendency of travelers to minimize moving and accommodation expenses and focus on experience-based services such as food and sightseeing. These facilities accommodate four persons per room, reducing accommodation cost per person and enabling more flexible trip planning. “TRIP PHONE,” a rental IoT device for guests, allows comfortable FIT experience including restaurant booking, public transport information, and sightseeing information through Trip concierge anytime and anywhere around the clock.
* FIT (foreign independent tour) is a style of travel without involving group or packaged trips.

About “bnb kit”

“bnb kit” utilizes IoT to minimize the cost of Minpaku operation and enable more efficient facility management. Providing guests with services using IoT, facilities can improve the satisfaction levels of guests and differentiate themselves from other facilities. Minpaku facilities are equipped with “bnb kit” consisting of “SMART LOCK”, which supports four unlocking methods, “CHECK-IN PAD” for obtaining guest information and checking them in on a tablet, and “TRIP PHONE” IoT device for travelers.
Featuring cutting-edge IoT devices, TATERU bnb’s Minpaku facilities use IoT devices in diverse scenarios to enable smooth Minpaku facility operation. Besides, “TRIP Concierge” provides guests with comfortable travel environment around the clock in multiple languages, through free “TRIP PHONE” rental, to meet the diverse requests of guests during their stay such as recommending and booking nearby restaurants and bars, providing public transport information, and reserving a taxi.
TATERU bnb is committed to providing domestic and international travelers with safe and secure accommodation services and comfortable travel environment. In addition, it will also develop and offer new solutions of big-data-oriented IoT Minpaku management, based on databases accumulated through “bnb kit.”


Name: L's SUPPORT Co.,Ltd
Established: July 18, 2007
Capital: 90 million yen
Representative Director: Kiyoshi Fujita
Location: 13th floor, Shinjuku Garden Tower, 3-8-2, Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0072
Business: Rent liability guarantee service

「TATERU bnb」