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海外不動産取引プラットフォームを展開する Property Accessへ出資


アプリではじめるIoTアパート経営「TATERU Apartment(タテルアパートメント)」の開発・運営を行う株式会社TATERU(本社:東京都渋谷区/代表取締役CEO:古木大咲/証券コード:1435、以下当社)は、Property Access株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区/CEO創業者:風戸裕樹、以下Property Access)ヘ出資いたしましたので、お知らせします。

Property Accessは、東南アジアを中心に、日本では未公開の不動産情報の取得やルートの構築、価格動向の調査、取引および慣行リスクの確認など海外不動産取引における可能性を探索し、国内企業における海外不動産取引の活性化とビジネス促進を目的として、AI等を活用した海外不動産取引プラットフォームを展開しています。

当社におきましては、これまでリアルエステートテックを推進するべく、シナジー効果を生み出せる企業への出資や支援を行ってまいりました。今回の出資により、Property Accessへの継続的な事業運営支援・連携を行うことで、不動産取引における新しいソリューションの創出と、同社の企業価値向上を目指します。

Property Access概要

社名:Property Access株式会社
CEO創業者:風戸 裕樹
本社 :東京都千代田区一番町10-8-5F



TATERU Invests into Property Access, Provider of International Real Estate Transaction Platform


ATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) announces that it has invested into Property Access K.K. (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO & Co-Founder: Hiroki Kazato; “Property Access”).

Property Access explores the potential of international real estate transactions, mainly in Southeast Asia, including collecting real estate information not available in Japan, building access to information, researching pricing trend, and evaluating risks of transactions and practices. It deploys an international real estate transaction platform powered by AI and other technologies, seeking to revitalize international real estate transactions and promote business among Japanese companies.

To promote real estate tech, the company has invested into and supported companies that generate synergies. Through the investment, the company will support and collaborate with Property Access for continuous business management, with a goal to create new solutions relating to real estate transactions and improving the corporate value of Property Access.
The company will continue actively investing into and supporting companies and grow as a leading real estate tech company providing customers with new “Ineternet x real” services, thus further improving the corporate value.

About Property Access

Name: Property Access K.K.
Established: March 20, 2018
Capital: 158,952,000 yen
CEO & Co-Founder: Hiroki Kazato
Head office: 10-8-5F, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business: Development and management of international real estate transaction platform

Press release

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