TATERU Invests into Property Access, Provider of International Real Estate Transaction PlatformATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) announces that it has invested into Property Access K.K. (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO & Co-Founder: Hiroki Kazato; “Property Access”).
Property Access explores the potential of international real estate transactions, mainly in Southeast Asia, including collecting real estate information not available in Japan, building access to information, researching pricing trend, and evaluating risks of transactions and practices. It deploys an international real estate transaction platform powered by AI and other technologies, seeking to revitalize international real estate transactions and promote business among Japanese companies.
To promote real estate tech, the company has invested into and supported companies that generate synergies. Through the investment, the company will support and collaborate with Property Access for continuous business management, with a goal to create new solutions relating to real estate transactions and improving the corporate value of Property Access.
The company will continue actively investing into and supporting companies and grow as a leading real estate tech company providing customers with new “Ineternet x real” services, thus further improving the corporate value.
About Property Access
Name: Property Access K.K.
Established: March 20, 2018
Capital: 158,952,000 yen
CEO & Co-Founder: Hiroki Kazato
Head office: 10-8-5F, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business: Development and management of international real estate transaction platform