Press Release Details

2019年3月下旬(予定) 持株会社体制移行に関する株主総会承認(第13期定時株主総会)
2019年4月1日(予定) 持株会社体制へ移行
TATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) announces a resolution made by the board of directors today that it will transition into a holding company effective April 1, 2019, subject to the approvals of the 13th general meeting of shareholders as well as regulatory authorities.
Background and purpose of transition into holding company
The company promotes real estate tech under the corporate philosophy "Providing new services with Internet x Real," deploying multi-faceted businesses including apartment platform business, IoT business, crowdfunding business, and Minpaku home sharing business.
To expand business and increase corporate value in the real estate tech field, and to respond to the changing market with agility, the company starts preparing for transition into a holding company.

<Purpose of transition into holding company>
(1) Strengthen group management
(2) Enable efficient management through autonomous conduct of business of each operating company
To attain these goals, the company will separate the function to make business decisions and oversee organizations and the function to operate business. Also giving authority and responsibility to group companies will help these companies appropriately understand the market needs and operate business in a speedy, optimal manner. Through this, the company will maximize group revenue, expand business, and improve its corporate value.
Method and timeline of transition into holding company
pecific methods of transitioning into a holding company and the structure of the holding company is yet to be determined. No matter what method is chosen, current shareholders of the company will continue to own the shares of the holding company.
<Timeline of transition into holding company>
End of March 2019 (schedule): Approval of transition into a holding company at a meeting of shareholders (13th general meeting of shareholders)
April 1, 2019 (schedule): Transition into a holding company