Press Release Details
株式会社TATERU(本社:東京都渋谷区/代表取締役CEO:古木大咲/証券コード:1435、以下当社)は、不動産仲介業務を効率化する、業者マッチングサイト「TATERU Buy-Sell for Business」をオープンしましたので、お知らせいたします。
不動産仲介業務を効率化する、業者マッチングサイト「TATERU Buy-Sell for Business」
当社では、掲載料無料のポータルサイト「TATERU Buy-Sell」の開発・提供を行ってまいりましたが、この度、不動産仲介業務を効率化する、業者マッチングサイト「TATERU Buy-Sell for Business」を新しくオープンしました。
「TATERU Buy-Sell for Business」では、不動産仲介業者や買取業者のマッチングを行うとともに、業者間における不動産仲介業務を効率化します。ユーザーが売却物件登録時にサイト上のマップで物件の所在地を選択すると、用途地域や建ぺい率・容積率など売却に必要な最低限の情報を自動で認識し、物件概要書の作成をオートメーション化します。物件概要書はPDFとしてダウンロード可能なため、メールやFAXなど従来の方法で情報公開を行うことも可能です。また、サイト上では物件ごとにプレビュー件数や問い合わせ件数など反響件数の閲覧が可能で、ユーザーはデータをもとに情報公開範囲の変更や物件価格の見直し等を行うことができます。「TATERU Buy-Sell for Business」の活用により、不動産仲介業務を効率化し、情報の可視化を行うことで、ユーザー登録数および掲載物件数の向上を目指します。

「TATERU Buy-Sell」
TATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) announces that it has opened “TATERU Buy-Sell for Business,” a business matching website designed to enhance the efficiency of real estate agent operations.

“TATERU Buy-Sell for Business” business matching website for enhancing efficiency of real estate agent operations
The company newly opened “TATERU Buy-Sell for Business” matching website designed to enhance the efficiency of real estate agent operations. It is an addition to “TATERU Buy-Sell” free listing portal site that the company has developed and offered.
“TATERU Buy-Sell for Business” matches real estate agents and buyers and enhances the efficiency of real estate agent operations between businesses. When a user selects the location of a property on the map in the website during the process of registering a property for sale, “TATERU Buy-Sell for Business” automatically creates property overview, recognizing minimum information required for selling the property, including the land use zone, building coverage, and floor area ratio. Users can download property overview as a PDF file and offer information through conventional channels such as email and FAX. On the website, users can see the number of previews, inquiries, and other reactions to each property, allowing them to change the scope of available information and adjust property pricing. The company will increase the number of registered users and listed properties, helping users improve the efficiency of real estate agent operations and visualize information by using “TATERU Buy-Sell for Business.”