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Real Estate Portal Site “TATERU Buy-Sell” Connects with Property Access, Provider of International Real Estate Transaction Platform

TATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435; “the company”) announces that it has decided to connect its real estate portal site “TATERU Buy-Sell” with the international real estate transaction platform by Proper Access JAPAN K.K. (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO & Founder: Hiroki Kazato; “Property Access”).

“TATERU Buy-Sell” connects with “Property Japan”

The company launched the “TATERU Buy-Sell” real estate portal site in February 2018. It has provided diverse big-data-based services, now listing more than 1,000 properties.

Property Access offers “Property Japan,” an international real estate transaction platform mainly for Southeast Asia, holding international real estate data of more than 6,000 properties.

The real estate portal site “TATERU Buy-Sell” is establishing API connectivity with the international real estate transaction platform “Property Japan” to retrieve member and property information. As “TATERU Buy-Sell” begins to list international real estate information, it will attract more subscriptions from investors in Japan who are interested in international investment properties while also seeking to expand the market by providing investors outside Japan with information on investment properties in Japan. The service is scheduled to be launched at the end of September 2018.

“TATERU Buy-Sell” will continue expanding the portal site, seeking to increase the number of property listings and subscribers and developing/offering new services utilizing the latest IT technologies for better usability.

TATERU Buysell:

Property Japan:

About Property Access

Name: Property Access JAPAN K.K.
Established: March 20, 2018
Capital: 158,952,000 yen
CEO & Founder: Hiroki Kazato
Head office: 10-8-5F, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business: Development and management of international real estate transaction platform