Name change of subsidiary TATERU bnbTATERU, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director/CEO: Daisaku Furuki; securities identification code: 1435) announces that its subsidiary TATERU bnb, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; representative director: Takatoshi Ogi) changes its name to TABICT, Inc. ("TABICT") effective today.
Ideas and concept of "TABICT"
ICT*can make travel more comfortable and convenient while it can also transform the way people travel. The word "BIC (Best in Class)" combined with "TABI (travel)" and "ICT" expresses TABICT‘s passion to offer the best possible service to travel service providers and travelers all around the world. The concept is to "generate new ways to travel." TABICT will aim to "create new ways of travel" that nobody has experienced by eliminating language barriers, and by making it possible to travel like locals.
**ICT: Information and Communication Technology.